Hello Beautiful soul how are you?

The spring is fast approaching and although as I am writing, I can hear the freezing wind howling outside, it really does look like spring when you brave the cold do step out . Everything is beginning to burst into life! It has brought me a great joy, observing the changes in nature over the past few weeks , first the snowdrops covering the woodland floors like a pure white blanket, followed the multicolour explosion of the crocuses and finally in the last few days the sunshine yellows of the joyous daffodils.
I have been rather busy in my little corner of the world. But before I get into to sharing my March reflections and of what I have been up to I would like to say a big thank you for everyone who has attended my events over the past few weeks. I loved so many of you coming to the sound baths and sharing your experiences and thoughts and I really enjoyed sharing my Imbolc story with you, The Cailleach, a ancient story of creation and the symbiotic relationship of the seasons. It brings me a great joy to create this little community where we can all feel safe explore our inner worlds, share our experiences and mark the flowing seasons of the sun and the moon.

This month will brings us the Spring Equinox when we embrace the days and nights being equal in length and the start official of the spring. Symbolically this is a great opportunity for us to pause and bring some equilibrium into our lives…before the wheel begin to turn again. Look at our lives and take stock what is working and what is not, and begin to take action, to achieve our goals set and developed during the winter months. And so, let’s reflect on how we celebrate and mark important events and moments in our lives.
Today is a 4th of March and it and for me it is a really special day as it marks the 25th anniversary of my arrival to UK., when I came to these lands, full of dreams, hope and apprehension all those years ago. An act of trust and a leap of faith that has change my life forever. And while I remember it every year I think 25 years deserves a little reflection..
This brave step into the unknown has opened more doors then I ever expected and not only at that time but later in my life too. And it still continues to do so now.
At quite a young age I have learned that no matter what happens I can deal with it and over the years I have learned to trust and recognize the feeling and remembered it every time I felt scared or apprehensive to start new things for I knew it will all be ok at the end. As long a I hold the vision and trust my intuition and take action everything will always work out somehow. I will never let my fears to hold me back. Click here to read more about my journey.
This month I also celebrate a full uninterrupted year of running the Sound Bath Meditation opening to the general public YOU! 5 years ago it was an intuitive feeling of something I felt moved to do, 3 years ago I did my first sound bath for a group of people, and this month marks a 1 year since I have run them consistently for the full Wheel of the Year.
I feel it’s really important to remember and mark these points of life and we all have some! We are accustomed to celebrate birthdays, wedding anniversaries and graduations, and the seasonal religious celebration and rituals throughout the year, quite often not even knowing why do we do it. We just dutifully do it, because everyone else does it...Most of the country have eaten pancakes last Tuesday, known in UK as a Pancake Day. I love pancakes, I am sure many people do too but how many of us does actually know why we eat pancakes on this particular day? And does it really matter to you?
It is important to celebrate seasonal and personal celebrations as they give us chance to get together as a community and enrich our days lives with meaning and joy. But we should only do it if it makes sense to us. Do it knowingly and consciously as without that understanding, the rituals have no meaning, no depths and it becomes empty. Think about what has become of Christmas and Easter thanks to the capitalist, consumerist frenzy…we are being sold.
So let us be more conscious of what we mark, celebrate and honour and do it in the way so it brings meaning and depth to us.
Let us pause for a while and reflect on the events that has changed our lives for better. Think back where we were then and were we are now
Let us recognize, remember, honour and celebrate our achievements and the lessons we learned from our mistakes.
And so I’m a celebrating this month! I celebrate the person I have become, the things I have achieved, the mistakes I made and have learned from...And I celebrate the end of the winter, the coming of spring with its warmth, sunshine and colourful blooms and I am really excited what the new growing season is going to bring into my life. And If you would like to I warmly invite you to come and celebrate with me.
Spring Equinox Sound Bath Meditation – Friday 21st March, 7pm-8.30pm

Come and celebrate the death and rebirth of the great cycle of the year with me. As a part of the Spring Equinox celebration I will start the Sound Bath Meditation by telling you a little story connected with this time of the year before sending you on your own individual journeys.
After the Sound Bath we will conclude the evening with writing down your personal reflections and plan of action for goals you hope to achieve in the coming seasons.
To book the event please click on the link below:
And if you can't make it you are also very welcome to come my regular Full and New moon Sound Bath Meditations following the ebbing and growing energies of the moon tapping into the cycle of inviting in things that we would like in our life during the New moon and letting go off those that no longer serves us during the Full moon.
To book the events please click on the links below:
Full Moon Sound Bath Meditation – Friday 14th March, 7pm-8.30pm
New Moon sound Bath Meditation – Friday 28th March 7pm-8.30pm
I hope to see some of you soon and if I don’t see you, celebrate, embrace the fresh spring energy, harness it and start taking action to make you dreams come true this year!
Warm wishes