Happy New year beautiful soul!
I know it is rather late for those wishes but I wanted to write this post a little bit later into the January for a reason. I hope you had a joyful and restful time during the holidays. I had a wonderful time with my family and as I set out in December I really tried to have a more peaceful and less hectic time and I think I have managed it which was really, really lovely.
In late December I also held a beautiful sound bath session celebrating the Winter Solstice.
Together we have paused for a moment reflected on past year and planted the seeds of inspirations and wishes we would like develop and reflect over the darker months and come spring, to manifest.
As part of the evening I have also tried out a new element to my sound bath sessions - storytelling. I have always been fascinated and inspired by myths, ancient tales as well as everyday stories and enjoyed listening to them as well as telling them. But it wasn't until late summer last year I finally felt ready to take it to the next level, learn more and start including it in the creative work I do.

So I joined the storytelling apprenticeship through the Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh which has been great to give me a confidence to perform stories in public. I truly believe stories especially the really old ones offer a great wisdom and inspiration for us all. And I will try and include this element in my sun cycle Wheel of the Year sound bath sessions from now on. The next one is coming up later this week. This time honouring Imbolc festival and celebrating the first stir of life within the earth.
But lets get back to the very beginning of this year. Let me ask you a question...do you make New Year's resolutions? And more importantly do you actually see them through beyond first 2 weeks of the year? According to the research many people make resolutions or wishes seeing the new year as a fresh start in hope the that the new year will give them more willpower and energy to change themselves and transform their life for the better.
And I think it is a great idea in principle however I feel to start a new and often challenging changes we give ourself this time of the year, is very wrong and most of the time we set ourselves to fail because of that. In January we are in the midst of winter, darkest and coldest time of the year. The nature...trees, plants and animals are still resting and in hibernation gathering the strength, nutrients and energy in order to burst into life in spring.
With all our electric light and technology and a mindstyle of living in 24hour culture we forget we are part of nature, but our bodies and minds needs rest too. For when we tune into our bodies, starting new projects and changing old habits feels ultimately wrong and against our natural body rhythm to do in January. Perhaps if we respect that and delayed starting and fulfilling our intentions for the year a few weeks later and go with the natural flow all around us, we might feel in much better place both in mind and body and have both physical and mental strength to actually see things through and success in fulfilling our aspirations.
However perhaps there's something we could and to me that feels right at this time of the year and that is to clear up and clean up our spaces. By that I mean decluttering our houses, our lives, our routines and minds. Discard of things, bad habits that no longer serves us or even let go off people who burden, belittle or holds us back. For I truly believe in order to bring new things in our lives and grow and blossom we need make space for them first. Just like the trees shed their leaves in the autumn, let them fall to the ground to rot and blend with earth only to come back to life renewed in spring. Budding and sprouting beautiful fresh new green leaves and flowers bursting with life and colour.
We are now fast approaching the end of January and it is nearly Imbolc time. Imbolc is an ancient Celtic winter cross quarter festival held at the end of January/ beginning of February celebrating the reawakening of Earth. The days are beginning to lengthen. It is still cold but buds are forthcoming on the trees. The sap is beginning to rise and the bulbs are pushing through the Earth. Everywhere there are signs of the Earth stirring.
Our acceptance of the winter is giving way to an urge to move forwards into springtime energy. Now is the time to prepare inwardly for the changes that will come. Here it is important that we remember to listen to our intuitive self the inner wisdom we have gained during the winter months of darkness and reflection as we move into the more active part of the year.
And so I would like to warmly invite to come a long and join me to reflect upon this time. Bring our visions and gained inner understandings. Plant our ideas and leave them to germinate.
Come and celebrate the death and rebirth of the great cycle of the year with me. As a part of the Imbolc celebration I will start the Sound Bath Meditation by telling you a little story before sending you on your own individual journeys. After the Sound Bath we will conclude the evening with writing down your personal reflections and seed ideas you hope to start grow and manifest in the spring.
Imbolc Sound Bath Meditation – Friday 31st January, 7pm-8.30pm

To book the event please click on the link below:
And if you can't make it you are also very welcome to come my regular Full and New moon Sound Bath Meditations following the ebbing and growing energies of the moon tapping into the cycle of inviting in things that we would like in our life during the New moon and letting go off those that no longer serves us during the Full moon.
To book the events please click on the links below:
Full Moon Sound Bath Meditation –Wednesday 12th February, 7pm-8.30pm
New Moon sound Bath Meditation – Friday 28th February 7pm-8.30pm
I hope to see some of you soon and if I don’t see you, dream, plan and sow you creative ideas and enjoy the rest of the winter with all that it brings for now springs is on the way.
Warm wishes
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