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Photographs  printed on canvas and mounted on board

Performing an ancient central European slavic tradition on the eve of Summer Solstice, 21st June, 2010
Acording to the tradition young unmarried women and girls would go out to woods and meadows collecting 9 magical herbs and flowers. They would then woven the flowers along with their wishes into a headcrown. The wreath would then be put under their pilows on midsummer night hoping the dreams they dreamt that night would come true in the following year. To complete the magic ritual the wreath was sent down the stream the next morning.


Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by MarcelaTrsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
Devatero, 2010 by Marcela Trsova
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